Full Mouth Rehabilitation

It is a comprehensive treatment plan that combines esthetics with restorative dentistry to fix various dental issues and rebuild healthy smiles.

full mouth rehabilitation treatment

Conditions Treated With Full Mouth Rehab

  • Sore, bleeding, or swollen gums
  • Abscesses in mouth
  • Severely damaged teeth
  • Tooth loss
  • Infected gums
  • Periodontal issues

Treatment of Full Mouth Rehab

Depending on the extent of damage, full-mouth rehabilitation can include the following procedures:

For Teeth

Teeth are assessed for cavities and decay, tooth wear, uneven teeth, cracks, and root canal issues. The treatment may include: 

  • Porcelain Veneers: These are thin shells placed on the front surface of teeth to enhance appearance.
  • Full Coverage Crowns: They completely encase damaged teeth to reinstate their structural integrity.
  • Bridges or Implants: They replace missing teeth, with bridges relying on adjacent teeth for support and implants being artificial tooth roots.
  • Inlays or Onlays: Inlays fit within the tooth’s cusps and onlays extend over cusps to repair tooth damage.

For Gums

Gum health is checked for any periodontal disease. The treatment may include:

  • Scaling: It removes tartar and bacteria from the tooth surface and below the gumline.
  • Root Planning: It smooths the root surface to prevent tartar and bacteria buildup.
  • Soft Tissue Graft: It transplants healthy tissues from one area of the mouth to the affected area. 
  • Bone Graft: It adds bone material to the jaw and provides a stable foundation for dental implants. 

For Occlusion

The alignment between the upper and lower teeth is examined for stable bites. The treatment may include:

  • Equilibration: The biting surfaces of teeth are adjusted to achieve balance and overall alignment.
  • Braces: A combination of brackets, bands, and wires is used to shift the teeth into their desired position over time.

Other Treatments

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