Third Party Reproduction

It refers to involving someone other than the intended parent(s) in the process of reproduction.

third party reproduction treatment

Egg Donation

It is a method of assisted reproduction wherein a woman donates her eggs to help another woman have a baby. The donated egg is fertilized with the male partner’s sperm and the resulting embryo is transferred to the female partner’s uterus.

Candidates for egg donation are women with the following conditions

  • Premature menopause as a result of disease, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgical removal of ovaries
  • Poor ovarian reserve
  • Poor quality of egg
  • Repeated IVF failure
  • Genetic disease or its carrier state
  • Advanced reproductive age


  • It is an arrangement in which another woman (surrogate) carries a couple’s baby in her uterus till the delivery. It is used when the original mother can not conceive naturally due to some anatomical problems like an absent uterus or medical problems like heart disease.

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